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MINISTERIAL DELIVERABLES: Education Ministry Organizes One-Day Citizens and Stakeholders Engagement. ..... Identifies 8 Focus Area

Prof. Tahir Mamman
Minister of Education

"A qualitative and functional education is a tool for sustainable all-round development."Tahir Mamman.

"This engagement is aimed at creating awareness on the Federal Ministry of Education’s inclusive development efforts. It will also promote mutual understanding with stakeholders and citizens; build and sustain public trust; and improve transparency and accountability in the Sector." Dr. Sonunu, Minister of State, Education.

"Together, we have demonstrated that Education for all is our responsibility. With our determination and commitment, we will attain the desired type of Education that will match the 21st- century." Walson-Jack, Perm Secretary, Ministry of Education.

The Honourable Minister of Education has in a meeting with stakeholders in the education sector, on the Ministerial Deliverables, identified eight (8) Focus Areas under the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's administration.

The Minister, Prof. Tahir Mamman in his address at the stakeholders meeting disclosed the key areas identified include; Equitable Access, Quality Education and Learning Outcomes, Skills and Entrepreneurship Education.

Others are: Research and Innovation Education Infrastructure, Planning Education, Financing and Resourcing System strengthening and lastly, Policy Recommendations.

Professor Mamman revealed that, for the Federal Goverment, through the Federal Ministry of Education to achieve its target in repositioning the educational sector of the country, that will be of immense benefits to all, further disclosed that topmost on the list of the priorities of the Ministry of Education is the building of a reliable and authentic Database for the Sector; Promote Skills Development and Acquisition; Reduce by a great percentage, the number of Out-of-School Children. 

He noted that, "to achieve these priorities, we developed a strategic plan captioned Nigerian Education Sector Roadmap (2024-2027).

Speaking on the road map of the education sector, Prof Mamman identifies thirteen pillars of the education sector which includes:

* Out-of-School Children; 
* Basic and Senior Secondary Education; 
* Girl-Child Education; 
* Youth and Adult Literacy; 
* Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET); 
* Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM);  Entrepreneurship Education; .Curriculum and Policy Matters;
* Teacher Education, Capacity Building, and Professional Development.

Others on the list of 13 pillars are; Tertiary Education and Student Support Services; Education Data and Planning; Information Communication Technology in Education; and Library Services in Education and Education Resource.

The Minister commended the various stakeholders such as State and Local Governments, the Federal Ministries of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, and rhe Security Agencies. He also used the opportunity to commend the Presidency, Development Partners,  Communities, Citizens, Private Schools and Institutions.

Professor Mamman however disclosed that the strides achieved so far, did not come that easy as there were challenges that has to be surmounted on the journey.

He identified these challenges to include; 
Insecurity which has been a bane, pointing out that the attacks on schools is challenging to all concerned, displacement and disruptions affecting schooling in Nigeria. 

According to the Honourable Minister, shortage of qualified teachers, Caregivers, and Instructors needs to be urgently addressed and this also includes the insufficient capacity at State and Local Government levels to implement UBE programmes.

"The dearth of reliable data for planning and evaluating progress against set targets, Socio-cultural and economic barriers that create gender imbalance in Basic and Senior Secondary Education are areas that are getting the needed attention," he said.

"Low enforcement of the UBE Act 2004 by States on enrolment, retention and completion, Failure of some States to provide UBE counterpart funding in order to access UBE Intervention funds as and when due, is another issue requiring of attention. He also raised the issue of insufficient Funding and of course, Low esteem and poor public perception of TVET".

In his conclusion, Prof Ali Mamman reiterated that, "A qualitative and functional education is a tool for sustainable all-round development. 

"We must take our country to the required type of education. A population with the appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitude would engender a society with the right economic model for delivering services to the people. 
The task is on all of us.

"Education for All is the Responsibility of All." Mamman stressed.

In a welcome address earlier, the Minister of State, Dr. Yusuf Tanko Sununu during the 'Citizens and Stakeholders Engagement on the Nigerian Education Sector Ministerial Deliverables', welcomed participants to the event, describing it "as a very important engagement with citizens and stakeholders in the education sector."

Dr. Sununu noted that "the event is particularly apt at this time as it provides a platform for the Federal Ministry of Education to inform all citizens of our achievements in the delivery of the programmes and projects assigned to our sector by Mr. President, His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR. 

"Another important aspect of the gathering is to enable us to hear from the stakeholders their perception on the journey so far and also to listen to the stakeholders suggestions on more areas requiring urgent attention and priority focus." He stated.

The Minister of State, Federal Ministry of Education further disclosed, in his address that, "this engagement is aimed at creating awareness on the Federal Ministry of Education’s inclusive development efforts. It will also promote mutual understanding with stakeholders and citizens; build and sustain public trust; and improve transparency and accountability in the Sector. 

"Worthy of mention is that this engagement also aims to improve efficiency and streamline government operations by identifying and addressing bottlenecks. This is expected to lead to more effective resource allocation, improved service delivery and buy-in of major stakeholders in the educational programs of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Administration. 

"We quite believe that there is a need for strong team approach in addressing the numerous challenges confronting our education sector. Education being a tool for individual, community, country and global development cannot be treated in isolation. It was in realization of this that International Labor Organization classified Education as exportable commodity. By extension therefore, the need for both local and international collaboration becomes a necessity," he stated.

Speaking further, Sonunu revealed that the event "provides us with opportunities to critically examine the progress so far in the implementation of 23 Ministerial Deliverables apportioned to the Education Sector by Mr. President at the end of the Cabinet Retreat for Ministers, Presidential Aides, Permanent Secretaries and Top Government Functionaries held from 1st – 3rd November, 2023. 

"The Ministry, in collaboration with National and International Partners and with support from other Ministries has passionately embarked on the implementation of these deliverables. To kickstart the implementation of the President mandate, the Ministry in collaboration with relevant stakeholders developed a 4 year strategic plan captioned “Education for Renewed Hope: Nigeria Education Sector Roadmap” 2024 – 2027. The Roadmap contains 8 focus areas and 13 pillars geared towards implementing the 23 Ministerial Deliverables. Furthermore, the Roadmap was further broken into annual work plans with timelines for easy monitoring and evaluation."

"The uppermost focus of the Ministry is in the areas of ensuring credible, timely and reliable education data at all levels; reducing the number of out of school children in Nigeria, and promoting skills development and acquisition at all levels." Dr. Yusuf said.

He stressed that, in order to address Teacher and learning crisis at Basic Education level deployment of technology in Education has become mandatory and preparation to that effect has reached an advanced stage. 

"The program will soon be unveiled with commissioning of Digital Resources Centre at Kado under the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC). Achieving these and many more is the responsibility of all of us. We believe that this engagement will enhance cordial relationship among all stakeholders, measure progress and identify areas where improvement is required.​

He thanked the teaming hardworking staff of the Federal Ministry of Education and the parastatals under the Ministry for their cooperation, availing the leadership with their experiences and institutional memories that greatly enhanced our productivity. 

"The Honorable Minister of Education deserves special commendation for his spirit of team work and problem solving approach to addressing issues in the Ministry," he stated.

In her vote of thanks at the end of the session, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Didi Esther Walson-Jack, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, thanked everyone for their presence and active participation in the Stakeholders and Citizens Engagement on the Ministerial Deliverables of the Federal Ministry of Education.

She lauded the Honourable Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, OON, SAN, whose insightful reportage on the Ministry's activities and accomplishments in delivering on the 23 Presidential mandates has been both enlightening and inspiring. 

"Your leadership and dedication to enhancing educational standards in our nation serve as a beacon of hope for us all." Walson-Jack said. She equally expressed the appreciation of the Ministry to the Minister of State for Education, Hon. Dr Yusuf Tanko Sununu, for setting the tone for fruitful discussions, and fostering an environment conducive to meaningful engagement, stressing that the dynamic leadership and important roles both Ministers have provided, will ensure that the Ministerial Mandates are fulfilled for a better Nigerian Education Sector.

She disclosed that the Report Card of the Ministry is rich because of the work of the 20,000 staff in the Ministry and the Federal Unity Schools. 

Didi Walson-Jack also appreciated the efforts and commitments of the Directors from the Ministry, Chief Executives of all FME Parastatals/Agencies, and the entire staff of the Federal Ministry of Education for their support and contributions towards the successes recorded so far. 

"Together, we have demonstrated that Education for all is our responsibility. With our determination and commitment, we will attain the desired type of Education that will match the 21st- century," she concluded.


  1. Good move. More attention should also be paid to the primary and secondary levels being the foundation of education.

  2. Nice report, issues like insecurities should be address by our government, to enable our children to go back to school.

  3. Well written

  4. The FG needs to thoroughly rejig the country's educational system by ensuring that the basic foundations for a solid and sustainable development of the school structure as it relates with the citizenry, is given considerable considerations. Enough of the lip service and more visible action. Agreed, the Education Minister and his team seem poised to do the right thing, a lot still remains to be seen done. Government must improve funding of the education sector to tally with internationally set global standards.
    We have faith in the capacity of Prof Tahir Mamman to deliver on the tasks ahead but, how achievable is this? We are hopefully hopeful.

    1. Prof Tahir has been known to do well in areas of education. And he is doing so presently but the issues of insecurity in our schools but be properly addressed. Parents are scared of taking their children to school but could increase the number of our of school children.

  5. We need more of this

  6. The state of education in Nigeria is facing numerous challenges that need to be addressed urgently in order to improve the sector. Some critical issues that need to be tackled include inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, lack of qualified teachers, outdated curriculum, and inequality in access to quality education.

  7. To improve the education sector in Nigeria, it is essential for the government to increase budgetary allocation to education. Adequate funding will help in building better infrastructure, providing necessary resources and materials, and training more teachers.

  8. The government should also invest in teacher training programs to ensure that educators are well-equipped to deliver quality education to students.

  9. Improving the curriculum is another key factor in enhancing the quality of education in Nigeria. The curriculum needs to be revised to make it more relevant to the needs of the students and the society. It should focus on critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and practical knowledge that will prepare students for the challenges of the future.

  10. Furthermore, there is a need to address the issue of out-of-school children in Nigeria. The government should implement policies and programs to ensure that all children have access to quality education. This may include providing scholarships, building more schools, and implementing programs to encourage school attendance.

  11. The Federal government should improve in educational sector by training and retraining the teachers , Renovation of schools, providing furnitures and reading and writing materials to students and reduce costs of education to enable less privileges children to go to school

  12. This is awesome, if it will be fully implemented


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