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ABUJA-KADUNA TRAIN ATTACK AND 2023 ELECTIONS: The Series Of Attack Calls For Concerns. Says Waboso, Democratic Defence Initiative President

Prince Dr Idah Felix Waboso

"It has become apparent that we are in danger of being annihilated by a band of murderous bandits who have swooped on us like a pack of wolves." Prince Felix Waboso

President of the Democratic Defence Initiative, DDI, Prince Dr. Idah Felix Waboso has raised an alarm concerning the worsening insecurity challenges across the country as the situation has assumed frightening dimensions.

Dr. Waboso, in a statement signed on his behalf by his presidential media aide on New Media, Hon. Alex Agbo, stressed that, "It has become apparent that we are in danger of being annihilated by a band of murderous bandits who have swooped on us like a pack of wolves."

"Every day, one wakes up to the news of deaths, destructions and vandalism in one or more parts of the country. Lives are being lost everyday," an obviously disturbed Waboso said.

"The security forces put up a good fight, to the extent of losing personnel, but yet, the problem grows.

"The consequences of the growing insecurity are staring us in the face. Food scarcity has hit the country because farms and farming communities have been obliterated, farmers killed and livelihood destroyed. 

The Democratic Defence Initiative president warned that "the economy is shrinking rapidly because small and medium enterprises are being wiped out. Kidnappers take business owners hostage and demand prohibitive ransomes, payment of which brings business capital to zero. 

"We are all watching as the doom approaches. With the burgeoning insecurity and the audacious broad day attacks by the bandits, much cannot be achieved politically."

Speaking on the train attack incident, he said; "On the 28th of March, 2022, a train with an official figure of 389 passengers left Abuja to Kaduna. The train was attacked by bandits; costing the lives of a doctor by name Chinelo Megafu Nwando, a dental surgeon with the St. Gerard's Hospital in Kaduna, billed to travel out of the country five days after and several others, while many people still remain unaccounted for. 

"Prior to that unfortunate incident, a day earlier, the Kaduna International Airport was attacked by bandits in broad daylight." 

Prince Waboso warned that these series of attacks send the wrong signals to the citizens. 

"Our elections are fast approaching. How would citizens come out to vote knowing that the bandits lurk around, and may strike any time?

"This is a great disservice to the gains of democracy we have made since 1999. If nothing is done to curb the excesses of these audacious bandits, our transition to a new administration in 2023 may be in jeopardy. 

Dr. Felix Waboso appealed that the government and the security agencies must rise to the occasion and secure our territories now that we can still salvage the situation. Otherwise, we would be a conquered people in our home lands.


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