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Banditry, Terrorism, Ritualism, 419 Fraud, Occultism, Cannibalism, Domestic Violence, Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, Political Thuggery And Substance Abuse: Bane Of The Colossal Tragedy Of A Country Called Nigeria. By David Adenekan.

David Adenekan
"Who are we going to blame for all of these moral decadence, heinous crimes, economic deprivation and abject poverty in our society today? David Adenekan.

"The Nigeria situation is a complete pervasion of social order and the woe of a country.

"It is an open knowledge that it was our so called political elites that opened the floodgate for the inflow of miscreants and uncharitable migrants from neighboring countries, to be used as mercenaries to capture political powers and at the expiration of their evil contracts, they become the menace and the warlords of the streets because of the sweet savour of being a mercenary."

The many social maladies that have bedeviled Nigeria, are strong calls for a new trajectory to pull the country from the brink or we may as well embrace the attitude of "DO NOTHING" and allow the country to self destroy, and the many already existing self determination groups will achieve their goals in a guerrilla warfare style.

This other option may be the end result of a people that have long been lbrutalized, sterilized, subjugated, enslaved, fragmented and bastardized by every demonic evil as demonstrated in banditry, terrorism, kidnapping, ritualism, cannibalism, 419 fraud, robbery, occultism, domestic violence, political thuggery and substance abuse. 

Yes, the Nigeria situation is a complete pervasion of social order and the woe of a country.

Alas, who are we going to blame for all of these moral decadence, heinous crimes, economic deprivation and abject poverty in our society today?

Who can we blame for banditry and terrorism? Prejudice apart, it is an open knowledge that it was our so called political elites that opened the floodgate for the inflow of miscreants and uncharitable migrants from neighboring countries, to be used as mercenaries to capture political powers and at the expiration of their evil contracts, they become the menace and the warlords of the streets because of the sweet savour of being a mercenary. 

Is this not the unembellished truth about the history of banditry and terrorism in our today Nigeria?

What will become of a society that is been governed by bandits and terrorists? A total chaos and a free for all society. Yes, and rapidly we are getting to that point of political Cul-De-Sac. 

Hmmm, if you cannot beat them, you join them. It is also called the survival of the fittest. 

Moreover, this same analogy applies to 419 boys (Yahoo Yahoo Boys), ritualists, kidnappers and armed robbers. Parents are now encouraging their children that have graduated from higher institutions and have remained jobless for years, to use whatever means to make money. This includes joining the ring of Yahoo Yahoo boys (419 fraud), prostitution, drug cartel, political thuggery (the MC Oluomo of this world), armed robbery, ritualism and banditry. 

Hmmm, welcome to the new world of everything goes.........  As long as you can survive. 

What a sorry state of a country!

Moreover, domestic violence is now very rampant in our society. The battery and killing of spouses are now everyday crime. Who can we blame for this? Many will say some of our men are too aggressive and violent towards women and no man should dare put his dirty hands on a woman. Yes, I agree but, can we also agree that no woman should use her razor mouth to cut deep into the heart of a man? Can we also agree that no woman should tightly lock her husband's neck with a tie to the point of suffocation? 

Hmmm, "pami ku obinrin"! 

Methinks the same damage that physical abuse will do to a woman is what verbal abuse would do to the psyche and ego of a man.

Please our mothers all over the world, this is not to stereotype but to put a fair balance into this issue of rampant domestic violence in our society and if your son have said it too loud, please forgive me, "moti ja ewe oriji e fi ori ji mi o" (I have gotten the forgiven leaves). Again, please forgive me.

However, the purpose of this piece is not to apportion blames to either of the spouses but to try and identify the root cause of rampant domestic violence in our society today. 

One major factor that is causing friction and violence in our family unit today is financial hardship that many families are facing because of the unpalatable poor economic condition.

The husband has been out of job for months and the wife is now the breadwinner. A situation that may pitch the wife's financial capability against the man's ego.  If this is not carefully managed, it may lead to crisis that may dismantle the marriage. The man may out of frustration become unnecessarily jealous and suspicious of his wife's friendship with others. 

In the same vein, the wife out of pride and ego may be looking down on her husband. She may also be looking at her having money as playing the leading role in the house. A wise woman that has such financial capability will always allow her husband to lead and preserve her husband's ego. Wisely, any woman that behaves in this manner has created an enduring peace and stability in her marriage. 

Intrinsically, a real man will never let down his ego because his wife has money. It is very easy for a man to lead his family if he has the financial capability than for a man to lead a woman who has the axe to the financial resources in the house. 

A woman who is not properly trained by her parents may view herself as independent and does not need a man any more. The end result for women that have such thinking is always a disaster. 

Money is just a means to an end. When you have money and throw away your crown, it will eventually lead to sorrows and tears. It is just for a little while that all the euphoria of wealth that you have acquired will disappear and you would now realize that something that is part of you, is missing. 

The bottom line is that, the economic hardship in the country has raped many homes of their joy and happiness. 

Hence, domestic violence!

Also, substance abuse and political thuggery are related evils that are wrecking havoc on our restless youth in  today's Nigeria. Many of our jobless youths are on the payroll of our so called political actors for thuggery activities and killing of political opponents. They buy illicit drugs for them to use and induce them to perform their thuggery activities without any sense of rationality. 

Also, Some of these thugs are now addicted to drugs that they have become destitutes and mentally retarded. 

Again, who are we going to blame for this great calamity that has befallen the supposedly working population of the ironical "GIANT OF AfFRICA"? 

Is this not the result of mal-administrations and poor governance?

In summary, do we still have a country when the end to all of these multifarious problems are not in sight and the country is gradually sliding into disintegration with the rising surge of insecurities all over the land?

Only Time Will Tell.

David Adenekan writes from Chicago, Illinois.

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