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Olorogun Eddie Onosorhue

"I pray God Almighty to grant us the grace to celebrate more years in good health, happiness and prosperity from above. May God give you undeniable testimonies so I could join you too in your moments of glory and celebrations!

"Thank you." OnoSorhue.

Political strategist and chieftain of the People Democratic Party, PDP in Delta state, Olorogun Eddie OnoSorhue has expressed his appreciation to family, associates, friends and well wishers, following the outpour of good will messages on his 79th Birthday Anniversary.

Olorogun OnoSorhue, a foundation and unwavering member of the PDP, in a statement he signed personally and made available by his Special Assistant on Media, described the "show of love and goodwill as overwhelming and are deeply appreciated. I cannot thank you enough," he said. 

Below is the full text of the appreciation message:

"I wish to specially appreciate my family, political children, friends, colleagues, fans and well wishers for the generous show of goodwill and felicitations through phone calls, text messages and goodwill messages on different social media platforms during my 79th birthday celebration yesterday.

"The show of love and goodwill was overwhelming and are deeply appreciated. I cannot thank you enough.

"I pray God Almighty to grant us the grace to celebrate more years in good health, happiness and prosperity from above. May God give you undeniable testimonies so I could join you too in your moments of glory and celebrations!

"Thank you.

Eddie Onosorhue."

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