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Office Of The Head Of Service Debunk Allegations Of Extortion by Sahara Reporters. ..... Says Allegation Is Frivolous And Unfounded

Mrs. Folasade Yemi-Esan CFR
Head of  Civil Service of the Federation

"It is rather unfortunate that due diligence was not done by Sahara Reporters before this publication. It was written with the sole aim of misinforming the general public for reasons best known to them." M. A. Ahmed, Director, Communications, OHCSF

The office of the Head of Service of the Federation has debunked a report published by Sahara Reporters whereby they accused the Head of Service of extorting money from applicants participating in the ongoing selection process for the appointment of Federal Permanent Secretaries.

According to a press statement made available by M. A. Ahmed, Director, Communications, Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, it stated that, "The attention of the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) has been drawn to a frivolous allegation labeled against the person of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Dr. Folasade Yemi-Esan, CFR, by your medium via an online news story published on 20th October, 2023 with the above misleading heading.

"The unfounded report alleged that the HoCSF compelled ninety-two (92) applicants participating in the ongoing selection process for the appointment of Federal Permanent Secretaries to pay the sum of N250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira) each for a one-week training programme commencing from 23rd to 28th October, 2023 at the Public Service Institute of Nigeria (PSIN).

The statement further stated that, "It is imperative to state here that the course fee was not determined by the OHCSF nor is it paid into the Office‘s account. Training and retraining of Civil Servants is the core mandate of PSIN and the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) and as such, monies for such are paid directly into the aforementioned training institutions’ NUBAN account, linked to the Federal Government’s Treasury Single Account (TSA). 

"It may also interest Sahara Reporters to know that the said training is the fifth in the series since its inception and, most importantly, it is optional. As such, it is the prerogative of the prospective candidate to pay and participate or not. It is aimed at refreshiing, as well as sharpening their skills and competencies. There is no penalty for non-participation. 

"For the avoidance of doubt and the records, the process for the selection of Federal Permanent Secretaries is segmented, rigorous and transparent. The medium is advised to come for tutelage on the process and posting of Permanent Secretaries rather than relying on allegations and misinformation. This is highly unethical, to say the least.

"It is rather unfortunate that due diligence was not done by Sahara Reporters before this publication. It was written with the sole aim of misinforming the general public for reasons best known to them.

"In view of the above stated facts, you are requested to retract the said false, damaging and libellous report, put the records in proper perspective, as well as apologise within 24 hours to avoid legal action, please. The statement reads

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