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Her Excellency, Mrs Nana Shettima, Wife of the VP who represented the First Lady, Barr Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, Hon. Minister for Women Affairs at the Commisioning of the remodelled National Model Work Place/Creche in Asokoro, Abuja

"It's a significant milestone in the commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, to supporting our working mothers and their families." Sen. Remi Tinubu.

"There are plans by the Women Affairs Ministry to replicate more of such facilities across Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the country." Barr Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye

Wife of the President, Senator Oluremi Tinubu has commissioned a "Work Place Nursery" facility for working mothers in the employ of the government which will serve as a preparatory ground for early childhood care, educational and recreational activities for the children.

This is in line with the policy thrust of this administration, to improve the Baby Friendly Initiative of the Renewed Hope Agenda of the current administration. 

The event took place on Tuesday, 21st November 2023 in Abuja.

Her Excellency, Mrs Nana Shettima
Wife of the Vice President

Mrs. Tinubu, while commissioning the facility which is located at #20, Bola Ige Close, Asokoro in the nation's capital, Abuja, expressed her delight and honor to be present at the official commissioning of the remodelled National Model Workplace Crèche/Nursery in Abuja, which represents "a significant milestone in the commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, to supporting our working mothers and their families."

"I want to appreciate and congratulate the Honorable Minister, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Barr. Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye and her team for this project intended to bring relief to our mothers and offer a comfortable environment for children to grow." Senator 'Remi Tinubu stated.

"As a mother and an advocate for a better life for families, I am passionate about championing initiatives that empower and uplift the lives of our citizens, especially our women. The establishment
of the Work Place Nursery stands as testament to this administration's dedication to creating an inclusive and buy supportive environment for working and nursing mothers.

"I was informed that this facility was commissioned in April 2001 but ceased to be operational as a result of the bomb blast at the Nigeria Police Headquarters in June 2011, which affected the
operation of the Work Place Nursery. It is therefore a thing of joy that 13 years after, we are all gathered here on this occasion to Commission and put the facility to use for the benefit of mothers.

"This facility will serve as a preparatory ground for early childhood care, educational and recreational activities for the children, with the policy thrust to improve the Baby Friendly Initiative of the Federal Government of Nigeria under the Renewed Hope Agenda of the current administration.

"To the working mothers, your perseverance and dedication are
inspiring. Nurturing a child is proof of your strength and resilience. I believe that initiatives like the Work Place Nursery serve as a foundation for progress and a promising future for our nation towards improved bonding between mothers and their children. 

"Let us continue to work together, supporting, empowering and uplifting one another, as we strive for a more inclusive and equitable society." The First Lady said.

Senator Oluremi Tinubu thereafter, renamed the remodelled "Work Place Nursery after one of the nation's foremost Matriarchs, Her Excellency, Mrs. Victoria Gowon.

"This place will henceforth be known and called Dr. (Mrs.) Victoria Gowon National Model Work Place Nursery," she stated.

Speaking at the event, the Honourable Minister for Women Affairs, Barrister Mrs Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye expressed her appreciation to the First Lady, Her Excellency, Senator Oluremi Tinubu for her support, including taking out time from her busy schedules to grace the occasion.

Barr Kennedy-Ohanenye also used the opportunity to inform of her Ministry's  plans to replicate more of such facilities across Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the country.

She revealed the plans of the Ministry of Women Affairs to establish women and children hospitals across the country, begining from the six geo-political zones before moving to the states.

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