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Representative of the Permanent Secretary MPR and Director of Human Resources Management, Mrs. Shehu As'mau Adaji (centre) in a group photograph with members of the newly inaugurated Innovation 

The newly inaugurated members of Innovation Committee have been charged to come up with new vision, mission and mandate for the Ministry of Petroleum Resources to replace the old ones, in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of the present administration.

Giving this charge is the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Ambassador Gabriel T. Aduda at the formal inauguration of the Innovation Committee of the Ministry in Abuja on Monday, 18th December, 2023.

Amb. Aduda, who was represented at the event by the Director, Human Resources Management Department in the Ministry, Mrs. Shehu Asma'u Adaji stated that members of the committee were carefully chosen by their various Directors and Heads of Units with the belief that they would effectively and efficiently drive the process, bearing in mind that, the Committee was being constituted when the Ministry is adopting new vision, mission and mandate.

The Permanent Secretary, in a statement made available to pointed out that innovation was the driving force that propelled societies towards breaking the shackles of status quo and ushering in a new era of knowledge and development.

"It also enables civil servants to undertake government's programmes and activities using internet and smart electronic devices to achieve results fast and more efficiently," he stated.

The following clearly- spelt Terms of Reference were given to guide their operations, they included; Study critically the vision, mission and mandate of the Departments with a view to linking them up to the Ministerial Mandate; Understudy other Oil Producing Nations with a view to introducing innovative ideas and best practices that would bring positive changes in our Oil and Gas Industry, and engage in comparative analysis of other Oil Producing Countries in order to introduce innovative ideas that would promote Oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria and improve and sustain our economy. 

Earlier in her welcome remarks, Chairman of the Committee and Director, Reforms Coordination and Service Improvement Department in the Ministry, Mrs. Grace Okani, noted that the essence of constituting the Committee was for them to serve as the "think tank" of the Ministry, proffer possible ways of achieving the assigned mandates of the Ministry especially now that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has appointed two Ministers of State (Oil and Gas) to help unlock energy and natural resources for sustainable development. 

She emphasized that the Committee was expected to carry out comparative analysis with their contemporaries in other countries in order to come up with new innovations on how to improve Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Sector in line with service improvement vision as it relates to the Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan (FCSSIP 25) of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation.

The 15-Member Committee, which was drawn from various Departments and Units in the Ministry, included Mrs. Grace Okani as Chairman; Albert Chioma (Special Duties Department); Dater Caleb Samuel (Finance and Accounts); Agbo Anthony (Human Resources Management); Akindele Obe Christopher (Upstream Department);  Engr. Samson Izonfade (Midstream and Downstream Department); Jonathan Ashimonye (Planning, Research and Statistics Department); Ojonta Bolarinde (General Services Department); Ekle .O. Edward (Internal Audit Unit).

Other members included, Obot Kufre .C (Procurement Unit); Anyanwu Grace (Press and Public Relations Unit); Andrew Uchendu (Gas Department); Chika Uzoewulu (Legal Unit); Anabu Isioma (Reforms Coordination and Service Improvement Department) and Godwin Udoneh (also from Reforms Coordination and Service Improvement Department).

The Guest Speaker and representative of Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs. Gloria Vera Azoro delivered the inaugural lecture at the event.

The statement was signed by and signed by Chris Ugwuegbulam, (AD Information) on behalf of the Deputy Director (Press and Public Relations), 

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