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"Mr. President has unleashed a lot of projects palliatives and, I want to assure you that you will see a lot of concrete structures on a number of sections of  that road that were challenged." Engr Umahi

The Federal Government is committed to renewing federal roads across the country for ease of movement of all Nigerians, as part of the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's led administration.

Making this known on Thursday is the Honourable Minister of Works, Distinguished Senator Dave Need Umahi when he received in audience in his office at the Ministry's Headquarters, the Kogi State Governor Yahaya Bello alongside the newly elected governor of the state, Ahmed Usman Ododo.

The Minister, in a statement signed by Clement Ezeorah, Assistant Director Information disclosed that the Federal Government is aware of the bad portions of federal roads in Kogi state and more concerns to other challenges but stressed that, with the Renewed Hope Agenda of  President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, things will take its normal shape.

He commended the Governor for the passion and zeal his administration has emplaced in Kogi state that has helped in making life better for its citizenry.

The Minister recalled his first day in office which included his first official assignment that took him to Kogi state.

"We inspected roads till 11am and I got back to Abuja by 2am. It shows the passion you have for the state. It is not by chance that my first working day was in Kogi State and Government House and I saw the acceptability and show of true love among the villagers for you even when we inspected under the  Murtala Muhammed Bridge in the State."

The Minister noted the federal road  constructed by the state government and the portion that has challenge and notified the Governor that Mr President has directed for immediate repairs on some federal roads across the country for seamless drive during the yuletide season and beyond.

"Mr. President has unleashed a lot of projects palliatives and, I want to assure you that you will see a lot of concrete structures on a number of sections of  that road that were challenged."

The Minister urged the incoming governor to bring in more development in the State and to carry everyone along in his pursuit for a better Kogi State.

Earlier  in his address, the Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello praised  the Minister saying that the first day he assumed office as the Minister of Works was the day he started road inspection till now without waiting for budget and that has improved the nations road network because contractors are on site working including the Federal Goverment intervention agency; the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency, FERMA.

He thanked the Minister for being responsive to calls and messages coming from Nigerians who are calling for federal government attention in some of the deplorable federal roads in their places.  

 "you are a leader that all of us are proud of.” He said

*Clement Ezeorah_*

*AD (Information)*

P&PR Unit FMW 

December 1, 2023

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