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Mace-Snatching, Misguided Litigation By DSP Senator Ovie Omo-Agege Ex-Deputy Senate President and The Need To Move On.

Senator Ovie Omo-Agege and the immediate past Governor of Delta state, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa

"It's time for DSP Ovie Omo-Agege to address the press and apologise to Deltans who are the real winners and an unreserved apology and plead for forgiveness for his misconducts and let Delta State move forward." Onovwiona Blessed.

The wilderness is full of torment and emptiness.

The audacity of the former Deputy Senate President and Delta State APC Governorship candidate, DSP Ovie Omo-Agege, continues to astound. Not only did he lead a brazen physical assault on the nation's legislative symbol, the mace, but now, in his desperate and futile political gambit, he wastes the Supreme Court's time with litigation destined for inevitable dismissal.

The mace incident, forever etched in Nigerian memory, remains a testament to DSP Ovie Omo-Agege's disregard for democratic norms and institutions. His involvement in snatching the symbol of authority was an act of sheer thuggery, not a political maneuver. It dented Delta State's image nationally and painted a picture of the state governed by brute force, not reason.

Now, years later, DSP Ovie Omo-Agege's clings to a fading dream of governorship through the courts. His legal challenge of the 2023 Delta State election is a transparent attempt to salvage his bruised ego and remain politically relevant. Yet, the thinness of his arguments and the dubiousness of his claims are plain to see.

To subject the Supreme Court, the apex judicial body, to this charade is an insult to justice and a waste of precious judicial time. Resources that could be dedicated to resolving vital legal issues are instead consumed by an exercise in political vanity.

Deltans deserve better. They deserve leaders who respect the rule of law, who accept the will of the people, and who move on from defeat with grace and dignity. DSP Ovie Omo-Agege's continued antics demonstrate a profound lack of these qualities.

Delta State deserves leaders who focus on its progress and prosperity, not on resurrecting their shattered political ambitions. The episode of the stolen mace and the endless litigation are mere distractions from the real issues facing the state.

It's time for DSP Ovie Omo-Agege to recognize the futility of his efforts. He should accept the democratic verdict of the people, congratulate the winner and move on. Delta State need leaders who look ahead, not those who remain tethered to the ghosts of past failures.

Let the Supreme Court focus on its critical role in upholding the law, not on resolving the delusions of a power-hungry politician. Let Delta State turn the page on this chapter of political turbulence and embrace a future built on integrity, progress, and respect for the will of the people.

It's time for DSP Ovie Omo-Agege to address the press and apologise to Deltans who are the real winners and an unreserved apology and plead for forgiveness for his misconducts and let Delta State move forward.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.


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