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Works Minister, David Umahi Receiving Handshakes From Staff Of The Ministry.

"I want to assure you that Mr. President feels your problems, and he is working out something day and night to give a solution to the teething problems facing the country." Umahi.

"Umahi is a super intelligent, action-packed, and vision driven Minister who recognizes and values the potential of the workers." Kofarmata, Perm Secretary.

"The Minister has shown a good example of a compassionate leader who cares for the welfare of his people and the progress of his fatherland." Mr. Omobaolanle Kuti, Chairman of the Joint Union.

Civil Servants in the Federal Ministry of Works, on Tuesday 20th February extolled the Minister supervising the affairs of the Ministry, Engr David Nweze Umahi for his quality leadership and sense of devotion to the welfare of the workers of the Ministry. 

The workers, under the aegies of Joint Union, Federal Ministry of Works took the Honourable Minister by surprise as they converged at the Ministry's Main Hall on Tuesday, 20th February 2024 and sought an audience with him through their Permanent Secretary, Dr. Yakubu Adam Kofaramata.

It was indeed, a day of celebration as the workers rolled out their drums to celebrate and honour the Honourable Minister of Works, Engr Nweze David Umahi.

Engr Umahi Receiving A Warm Hug From Yakubu Kofarmata, Perm. Sec of the Ministry

According to his Special Adviser on Media, in a statement, revealed that Engr Umahi, in his usual unassuming mannerism and deep sense of responsiveness, came down to see his workers and behold, it was a mammoth crowd of over 1500 workers in the Ministry's headquarters who were seated to thank him for the quality leadership and devotion to the workers well-being which they have continued to enjoy since he came on board as Honourable Minister of Works.

Umahi, Kofarmata, Kuti in group pose with the 'Pragmatic Leadership Award'

The Minister, who was honoured with a 'Pragmatic Leadership Award' by the Joint Union of the Ministry, thanked them for the surprise reception and the award of honour given to him. 

He particularly thanked the leadership of the Joint Union of the Ministry for their sense of happiness and thankfulness, which they demonstrated through their surprise reception. 

He promised to continue to serve the purpose of his appointment with the deepest sense of responsibility and in undiluted collaboration with the workforce and also, used the opportunity to announce the commencement of training programmes for the Ministry's workers from Grade level 14 and above and, the establishment of the Ministry's Welfare Fund for staff, effective March 2024. 

Umahi also announced the involvement of the Ministry's staff in the monitoring and evaluation of the projects executed by the Ministry nationwide and the reactivation of the whistle blowers desk of the Ministry to assist in reporting jobs not done in accordance with the Ministry's specifications. 

He urged civil servants across the country to take Nigeria first in the dispensation of their public duties, adding that the Renewed Hope administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu means well for Nigeria and Nigerians and therefore, deserves all the support and cooperation needed, for him to achieve enduring solutions to our socio-economic problems.

"I want to assure you that Mr. President feels your problems, and he is working out something day and night to give a solution to the teething problems facing the country. You see, the problem of our country is the problem of all of us." Umahi stated.

"We need to bring back to society what we have taken from society. We need to do that. It is not the blame of the President, it is not the blame of the past President. Americans will always say America first."

Speaking on behalf of the staff of the Federal Ministry of Works, the Permanent Secretary, Yakubu Kofarmata praised the professional and administrative  capacities of the Honourable Minister of Works. 

The Permanent Secretary described him as "a super intelligent, action-packed, and vision driven Minister who recognizes and values the potential of the workers."

"The workers, and indeed, Nigerians, are happy with Mr. President for appointing a round peg to head the Federal Ministry of Works. 

"We assure you that we will continue to work loyally with the core values of honesty, integrity, industry, and objectivity for the good of our Ministry." Kofarmata stated.

Presenting the award of honour to the Honourable Minister, the Chairman of the Joint Union, Mr. Omobolanle Kuti stated that the event was organized for all the workers to give honour to whom honour is due. 

He stated that "the Minister has shown a good example of a compassionate leader who cares for the welfare of his people and the progress of his fatherland. 

"You have shown a great difference in the way you care for our welfare, in the way you attend to mails, in supervising the projects executed under the Ministry, in your power of contract negotiations and assuring best standards in the delivery of road projects. You even supervise projects on weekends and public holidays, you come to the office early and go very late. No mail delays in your office for more than 24 hours. We are proud of you." He concluded.

In his vote of thanks, the Director, Human Resources Mr. Aliyu Abdallahi appreciated the Minister for his selfless service and care for the wellbeing of the civil servants in the Ministry and described him as a special breed of politician who works for the good of all persons irrespective of their place of origin. 

He also described him as a leader who builds the capacities of workers irrespective of their grade levels or competences. 

He prayed God to continue to prosper the Minister with greater innovative powers and benevolence of heart as he works to actualize the mandate of the Federal Ministry of Works.

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