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A Sovereign National Conference Against A Disparity Of Opinions Of Leaders Of Thought In A National Dialogue: A Rejoinder To The Conference Of National Dialogue Held In Lagos State On The 18th Of March, 2024. By David Adenekan.

Comrade David Adenekan

"One of the main reasons for the rising surge of insecurity across the country is the inability of the people to police themselves. It is called community policing, and this is the standard in most countries that have adopted federal system of government, including United States where every village, city, county and state have their own police services to protect the lives and properties of the citizenry." Comrade Adenekan

To "hit the nail on the head", the fundamental issue of a sovereign national conference to determine the fate of a country called Nigeria, is still begging for answers. 

A cosmetic solution to the fragility and failure of our so-called quasi federal system will only be an exercise in futility. Allow the people to decide how they want to be governed. It is called self-determinationThe right for self determination is enshrined in both United Nations and Africa Union Charters.

How do you build a house on a faulty foundation and when you now discover the house will not stand the test of time, you resort to patching up the pillars whereas, the foundation is shaky which will eventually result in the collapse of the building.

Methinks, in this instance, the first step is a referendum. If the majority agree to be part of Nigeria, what will be the written law that will govern our existence as a country?

Historically, the core democratically value of many nations that have developed into enviable positions in the comity of nations is upholding the principles of rule of law based on justice, fairness and equity. This cannot be overemphasized.

However, when we take into cognizance the fragility and failure of our quasi federal system as defined by the 1999 constitution, Nigeria is far from a real democratic society. A classic example is the issue of security. How logical can a central police command in Abuja safeguard and gurantee the safety of life and property of over 20 millions people in Lagos state, about 754 kilometers apart? 

It is pertinent to say, Governor Babajide Sanwoolu of Lagos state cannot issue a marching order to the police command in Lagos state to quelI an ethnic clash in Idi Araba without getting approval from the federal police headquarter in Abuja. A constitution that will not allow the people to police themselves is a failed document. This is bearing in mind, that, the first law of nature is self preservation.

Suffice it to say, one of the main reasons for the rising surge of insecurity across the country is the inability of the people to police themselves. It is called community policing, and this is the standard in most countries that have adopted federal system of government, including United States where every village, city, county and state have their own police services to protect the lives and properties of the citizenry. 

Also, how do you explain the 1999 constitution of a fraudulent configuration of creation of local governments? Kano state with fewer population than Lagos state has 44 local governments (as third tiers of government) that are getting federal allocations while Lagos state only has 20 local governments that gets federal allocations. Is this a fairly distribution of national resources as stipulated in the 1999 constitution? 

Is the standard and criterion to create local governments not based on population vis a vis per capital income for efficient and effective distribution of national resources towards great development? 

Also, how do we determine how many schools, maternity homes, primary health care units and other social amenities that will need, if the creation of Local government is not based on population? 

Moreover, is the statistical data to determine the demography of a country, and for national planning not based on population census for equitable and fairly distribution of national resources? 

Is the 1999 constitution not a fraud? 

Why do we have to patch a document that is not just working for a better society? 

Is this not a sham?

Prejudice apart and without mincing words, we need to jettison the fraudulent 1999 constitution and evolve a new trajectory for a true nation building.




Time will tell!!

David Adenekan Is The Editor Of Shekinah International Magazine And A Media Expert. He Writes From Chicago, Illinois.

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