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"Despite the polarization and propaganda that we encounter, there are also many voices that are expressing nuance, complexity, and critical thinking." Oyekan.

"Despite the hatred and violence that we witness, there are also countless acts of kindness, generosity, and solidarity."

The battle between forces of good and forces of evil concerning this police pension issue is not only neurotic but ascending meteoric proportions. I thank Almighty God that the debates, nuances and good will far outweigh the evil wishes of a despotic few. 

I know that many pensioners are feeling hopeless, angry, or fearful about the future while others are optimistic. I know that there are forces that seek to undermine our rights, and to impose their will on us. I know that these challenges seem insurmountable, but as long as there is a God we shall prevail.

Despite the conflicts and crises that we face, there are also countless examples of people who are engaging in constructive dialogue, who are seeking to understand the different perspectives, who are finding common ground and solutions. 

I mean that despite the polarization and propaganda that we encounter, there are also many voices that are expressing nuance, complexity, and critical thinking. I mean that despite the hatred and violence that we witness, there are also countless acts of kindness, generosity, and solidarity.

These are the signs of hope that I cling to. These are the reasons why I refuse to give up on humanity. These are the forces that I believe will ultimately prevail over the darkness called PENCOM.

I am not naive. I am not ignoring the reality of the problems that we face. I am not suggesting that we should be complacent or passive. I am simply saying that we should not lose sight of the positive aspects of our requests as retirees. We should not let ourselves be overwhelmed by fear or despair. We should not let ourselves be manipulated by those who want to exploit our emotions or divide us.

We should instead focus on the opportunities that we have to make a difference. We should instead celebrate the achievements that we have made so far. We should instead support the movements that are working for change.

We should instead join the debates, embrace the nuances, and spread the good will.

That is how we can overcome the evil wishes of a despotic few.

That is how we can create a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

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