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CRISES BREWS IN SENATE: NDUME STORMS OUT OF CHAMBERS .... Senate Goes Into Emergency Closed-Door Session

Senator Godswill Akpabi
Senate President

”This is the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guided by laws, rules, and procedures. If in the course of proceedings at any session, errors are observed, they must be corrected before forging ahead with such proceeding.”  Senator Ndume

An unpalpable crises is said to be brewing in the Hallowed Red Chambers of the National Assembly following what political observers describe as the high-handedness of the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio.

Senator Akpabio on Tuesday, October 17, urgently requested for a closed-door meeting of the Senate during plenary after the Chief Whip of the Senate, Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume, left the chamber following a ruling that deemed him out of order.

It is recalled that there are ongoing calls in certain quarters for him to either resign or face impeachment from office.

However, at Tuesdays plenary, Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume (APC Borno South), raised a point of order on alleged errors committed and not corrected by the President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio.

The error referred to, by Ndume, was a motion moved by Senator Summaila Kawu (NNPP Kano South), for debate on the need for re-opening of Nigerian-Niger Border, without stating the title of his motion.

Ndume who rose through order 51 of the Senate standing rules, requested the Senate President to allow for correction of any error made or observed in plenary.

Ndume said, ”This is the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guided by laws, rules, and procedures. If in the course of proceedings at any session, errors are observed, they must be corrected before forging ahead with such proceeding.”

But Akpabio quickly intercepted him by saying having ruled on issues raised, it can not be revisited and consequently ruled Ndume  Sunday Karimi (APC Kogi West), spiritedly attempted to sustain Ndume’s line of argument through another point of order but was also swiftly ruled out of order by Senate President, Godswill Akpabio.

In a troubleshooting effort, the Deputy President of the Senate, Barau Jibrin, quickly rose to read order 16, which requires a substantive motion to be moved by any Senator for correction or review of the earlier decision taken.

Sustaining Barau’s point of order by Akpabio, infuriated Ndume by raising another point of order (order 54) to seek correction of the perceived error.

But without being allowed to make a full presentation of his argument, the President of the Senate ruled him out of order again.

Angered by Akpabio’s decision, Ndume, packed his documents and furiously stormed out of the chamber.

Apparently, perplexed by the scenario, Senators hurriedly went into the closed-door session which is still on, as at the time of filling this report.

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