OUTBREAK OF BED BUG IN FRANCE: FG Heightens Surveillance At NIGERIA'S Entry Points

Prof Muhammad Ali Pate
Hon. Minister of Health

"Bed bugs are small, flat reddish-brown wingless insects that infest beds, sofas, luggage’s and other furniture’s. They often crawl onto people’s body or luggage’s to travel to new surroundings." FMoH

The Federal Government has heightened surveillance at all points of entry in the Country following the outbreak of bed bug infestation in France and other parts of Europe

Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Muhammad Ali Pate disclosed that the Ministry remains committed to ensuring that appropriate public measures and responses are put in place to contain the bed bug infestation nationwide. 

He revealed that the Ministry has developed a draft sheet, which will be in circulation soon to strengthen awareness and health education on the control of bed bugs. 

In a statement issued and signed by Patricia Deworitshe, the Director  Media and Public Relations Department, Prof Pate urged the public to cooperate with Port Health Officers at points of entry in the course of their surveillance activities.

"Bed bugs are small, flat reddish-brown wingless insects that infest beds, sofas, luggage’s and other furniture’s. They often crawl onto people’s body or luggage’s to travel to new surroundings." The statement read. 

"While they are not known to cause any illness, their bites causes discomfort, itching, anxiety, sleep disturbances, depression and allergies.

"Early detection is key to controlling their infestation, as they are capable of putting everyone at risk." The statement concluded.

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