"Many have disputed my faith as a true Christian because of my belief in my unique identity as a Yorùbá man (my tradition and custom). In fact, I have stopped debating it because my faith in Christ is the spirit of the living God. It really has nothing to do with my identity as a Yorùbá man." Adenekan.

As a prelude to this article, please endeavor to watch the above 2 minutes and 32 seconds explosive video clip of one of the great testimonies of Apostle Ayo Babalola, a true prophet of old. It is unspeakable. Thanks.

Apostle Ayo Babalola

Apostle Moses Orimolade

"What manner of men are the likes of the true prophets of old, Ayo Babalola and Moses Orimolade?" - David Adenekan.

Many have disputed my faith as a true Christian because of my belief in my unique identity as a Yorùbá man (my tradition and custom). In fact, I have stopped debating it because my faith in Christ is the spirit of the living God. It really has nothing to do with my identity as a Yorùbá man. I do not have control over my cultural identity as a Yorùbá man. Who can dictate his or her cultural identity except if you are just very ignorant of the basic natural law. I was born into both biological and cultural families of Adenekans' (patriarch) and Oladigbos', Ajayis' and Ogendegbes' Compound families (matriarch). I did not give birth to my cultural identity, both my biological and cultural identity begot me. 

It is worthy to note that part of my unique identity as a Yorùbá man are my customs and traditions. 

The traditional custom of circumcision of a male child did not evolve from the days of Jesus Christ. It is one of the oldest customs in the world that cuts across at least four religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and some African traditional religions, including Yorùbá tradition and custom. The question is, has any of the extremists (the Moslem fundamentalists and the "Alákatakítí èsìn, the pentirascals") in the two most popular foreign religions in Yorùbá land, Islam and Christianity, eradicated the custom of male circumcision from their customs that truly evolved from Abrahamic traditional custom?

Methinks, we, in this clime have not drawn a parallel line between our faiths and cultures (ìsèse). Faith evolves from our cultures. Nobody on this earth was born without a culture. Your first school of socialization was your culture and tradition. Even Jesus Christ the Son of God went through the stages of cultural socialization when he was born. He availed himself as a boy to learn the Jewish tradition and customs. 

There was not a reference point in the Holy Bible that Jesus was abhorrent or repugnant of the Jewish tradition and custom. "Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Matthew 5: 17. He also says, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." - Mark 12:17.

Yes, ìsèse làgbà (your first point of contact in the process of socialization is your custom and tradition, which are borne out of your culture. 

My faith may not come from Yorùbá deities like Ògún, Obàtálá, or Òrùnmìlà, but it will never change the fact that these deities are part of my culture and tradition. Although my faith may no longer have a direct link with these deities, I still cannot change part of my unique identity as a Yorùbá man, and some of my customs and traditions were developed from some of these deities.

At this juncture, and for the purpose of this essay, it is essential to compare and contrast, the prophet of old in the true name of Christianity with many of the so-called new generation of men of god in the name of the followers of Christ. 

Growing up as a child in the seventies, I have had encounters with the prophet of old. These prophets are in the generation of prophets like Apostles Ayo Babalola and Moses Orimolade. They would walk dusty streets hundreds of kilometers (from Ekiti or Ilesa to Lagos), barefooted to deliver messages to many who have ears to hear. By the time they walked many kilometers of roads, their white garments had turned to dirty black clothes. The only things you would see in their hands are Bibeli mimo (Holy Bible) and a tiny iron rod (staff of spiritual authority). It baffled my imagination as a child when they would say that the Spirit of God had sent them all the way from Ekiti to Lagos to deliver messages for certain individuals. 

On one special occasion, I had a personal encounter with one of them. The man just walked into our family compound in Lagos and started praying for me in the Spirit. He gave me a message while praying in the Spirit: "I saw you climbing a ladder with many steps, and you are going far! far! far! (Your journey in life is very far and great). You will not fall. 

"Ã’dómodé yìí, ìrìn àjò re jín", he started praying fervently from the spirit you will not fall, you will not fall (o máa gun òkè naáà débi àpeere nla,  o kò ní jábó, ìrìn àjò re máa jìn gan o.

When I effortlessly won the Visa Lottery in the mid-nineties to come to the United States of America with a green card the same year that I completed my youth service corps, I wanted to continue my boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with a girl I truly admired for her good character and great family background (a princess from Ijebu Igbo). We both have royal blood (my great-grandfather migrated from Ile Ife, one of the ruling families; it is in my Oríkì  / eulogy). She just finished from Unilag. She looked at me sadly and gave me the same message the Prophet of Old had given me as a boy.

"Nékàn, ìrìn àjò èyí jìn gan an ni o, I don't think we can continue the relationship. Yes, ìrìn àjò e jìn gan, you are going too far in your journey of life, you are too far ahead of my journey of life, let's just end it." I thought it was a joke, but she meant it.

Based on my empirical evidence, the prophets of old are, without a doubt, truly prophetic, and they are for true miracles, signs, and wonders. I have lived it.

In contrast, my experiences with some of today's men of God have been traumatic and far from the true teaching of Christ: "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 5: 22 - 23). 

Hmm, "àwon aborí-má-bòwà (their outward appearances are deceptive with fine white garments that are glittery but their inner minds are filthy with many acts of unrighteousness, including soaking their hands with blood). It is a life of oppressive fame and dialectic materialism to the detriment of the sheep. Imagine a Pastor paying 100 million naira to secure the nomination form to run to be a political party candidate. Nearly all the big Churches in the country are running schools, and many members of their churches cannot afford to pay the school fees. They built the schools with the hard-earned money of their members, but their church members could not afford the school fees. 

It is imperative to say that before former Military Head of State, General Olusegun Obasanjo, introduced Universal Primary Education, UPE in 1976, most of my age grades in Nigeria attended missionary schools. It was free, including feeding with assorted fruits. 

Where are the true missionaries of old in the 21st century in today's Nigeria, and who is fooling whom?



I am truly living a life of prophecy, given to me as a boy by the Prophet of Old. Yes, I am still climbing up the steps of glory and not seeing an end in sight. Hmm, it is quite challenging because it is full of trauma and great blessings. It is also called the weight of glory. Yes, it is. It is not my will to live my life for others, but God knows why.

What a great calling!

Hmm, only God knows how many countries I have visited in my life, including living in the deserts (middle east), Tallil , Iraq for three years (by River Eupherates in the Holy Bible, the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament) and visiting the very house that Abraham was born and climbing Mount Sigra where father Abraham used to seek the face of Yahweh (God Almighty) for direction.

Suffice it to say that the journey of my life is truly very far, and I do not see the end in sight. I stop here for the purpose of this article.

To God is the glory (Oba asèyí ó wù ú). Amen.

I pray by the amazing grace of God, I will forever remain humble (Eledumare maje ki jo ara mi loju). Amen! 

Tani èmi gan ná? "Jakobu so wípé mo dà bí i ekòló tí kò ní eegun kankan lára à fi kìkì dá omi lásán(Jacob says in the holy bible, I am like an earthworm with no bone but completely full of water)." Amen!!

According to the man of God who gave an account of one of the great miracles performed by Apostle Ayo Babalola, "someone that I am talking to today, you will not die before your time." Amen!

Again, to God be the glory. Amen.


David Adeyinka Adenekan Is The Editor Of Shekinah International Magazine And A Media Consultant. He Writes From Chicago, Illinois.

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