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“Julius Berger is a most competent, capable, reliable and efficient contractor who accomplished the project in a record 12 months period without asking for any cost variations.”  Permanent Secretary, State House, Alhaji Tijjani Idris Umar

Nigeria's President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, has commissioned the newly built ultra-modern Presidential/VIP Wing of the State House Medical Centre, located at the Villa, Abuja.

The President who arrived the venue of the ceremony at approximately the stipulated 10.00am was immediately received by a rendition of the national anthem to commence the event. Thereafter, the Presidential Media Adviser, Mallam Garba Shehu gave a warm charge for the event. He rooted his remarks on the successful and laudable infrastructural development legacy that the outgoing Buhari administration was leaving behind for the beneficial enjoyment of Nigerians. Garba later invited the Permanent Secretary of the State House, Alhaji Tijjani Idris Umar to speak on the detailed reason for the event.

Alhaji Tijjani Idris Umar welcomed the President and his amiable wife the First Lady, Dr. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari to the project commissioning ceremony, which he said would not have been possible without the total support of President Buhari as well as the First Lady’s unwavering advocacy. The Permanent Secretary of the State House also took time to thank the Chief of Staff to the President, and also the Director of Maintenance in the State House, Bldr, Joshua Apagun whom he said had been part of the State House building works since 1999. Alhaji Tijjani Umar also thanked every staff of the State House who contributed to the success of the project.

Turning to the contractors, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Alhaji Tijjani said that the company’s engineering construction capability, competence and reliability veritably represents a masterclass in dependable professionalism. He said, ““Julius Berger is a most competent, capable, reliable and efficient contractor who accomplished the project in a record 12 months period without asking for any cost variations.” He commended Julius Berger for its evidently good work on the project.

Alhaji Tijjani then invited the President to commission the Project. President Buhari after cutting the ribbon to officially inaugurate the project for operational use, led his wife, the Chief of Staff, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senior Security chiefs, Honourable members and Distinguished Senators of the National Assembly as well as Executive and senior management officials of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc on a guided tour of the Medical Centre.

Speaking later to media correspondents after the event, the Executive Director administration of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Alhaji Zubairu Ibrahim Bayi, who represented the company’s Managing Director Engr. Dr. Lars Richter at the ceremony said, “…the construction of this Medical Centre is a clear testimony to Mr President’s unwavering resolve to provide qualitative infrastructural and other amenities that impact positively on the lives of citizens across the length and breadth of this nation."

According to Bayi, while the conceptualisation and subsequent start of works for the project began in August 2021, the actual construction works kicked off with the Ground-breaking ceremony by the Chief of Staff to the President on Monday 1st November, 2021.

The scope of works, he said, comprised of a 3-storey structure on an area of 8,500sq2 that contains a full, functioning Medical Centre including, a reception and waiting areas, a radiological department with X-Ray, CT Scan and MRI sections, consulting area, cathlab, theatres, an Intensive Care Unit, executive wards, VIP wards, observation rooms, a physiotherapy unit, a pharmacy, laboratory, laundry, kitchen, a healing garden; and other ancillary facilities. The general construction works, Bayi further said, included rock excavation for the foundation, reinforced concrete structures, water proofing systems, and top class turnkey finishing works as well as drainages. Other works include electrical installations, including emergency power supply and fire alarm systems. The building has a gross floor area of approximately 5,000sq.m.

“Gentlemen of the Press, I am humbled to inform you that this strategic Medical Intervention Centre was constructed in accordance with international due diligence and best practice; an established hallmark of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc…. May I also inform you that, while Julius Berger Nigeria Plc put in a total of 2,600,432 man-hours of work into the construction and completion of this solid engineering masterpiece, the company achieved a Zero Lost Time Injury (LTI) record on the project…”, Bayi Said. Bayi further said that, the Zero Lost Time Injury (LTI) record was achieved even as Julius Berger also accomplished the project in a record 12 months period without any compromise in quality and technical integrity; a competence he referred to as “another badge of the defining Julius Berger operating standard.”

The Julius Berger Director of Administration enjoined the Managers of the newly delivered Medical Centre and its facilities to put in place the highest maintenance culture with a view to harnessing maximum benefit from the excellent precision equipment installed in the Medical Centre. This, he said, will serve to justify the investment made by the government for putting up the well-equipped Medical edifice. “As the Management of this beautiful and purposefully built Medical Centre puts these facilities to use, Julius Berger wishes them all the best and implore the operators to observe all safety procedures necessary for their safety and that of their high value patients.”

Bayi, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the Executive Management and entire staff of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, expressed Julius Berger‘s’s sincere gratitude to the Federal Government for again finding the company trustworthy to deliver the important project. He specifically acknowledged the tremendous and uncommon commitment of the Chief of Staff to the President, Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the Permanent Secretary of the State House, Alhaji Tijjani Umar  and their great professional and efficient team for their selfless work as well as nationalistic zeal, by which the State House Medical Center project was successfully realised.  

Bayi finally offered utmost gratitude to God whose grace and mercy enabled the company and the government to work safely and progressively to achieve success in the laudable project. He wished everyone who attended the ceremony a safe return to their various destinations, and prayed that God continues to unite, guide, protect and bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Some Julius Julius Berger officials who accompanied the Executive Director Administration, Alhaji Zubairu Ibrahim Bayi to the project commissioning ceremony in Abuja included Engr. Oliver Berger, Patricia Brok, Prince Moses Duku and James Agama, amongst others.


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