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"Who Will Congratulate a Man Under Investigation by The FBI & the Social Security Administration for Forgery."

NADECO-USA, an offshoot of the National Democratic Coalition, NADECO has reiterated its avowed stance to remain committed to entrenching sustainable and developmental democratic leadership in Nigeria, devoid of partisanship and bias, for the overall good on the country and its citizenry.

The pressure group, speaking through its leadership in a statement issued and signed by the duo of Dr. Llyod Ukwu and Comrade David Adenekan; Executive Director and Public Secretary respectively on Monday, 30th October 2023, maintained its position in not congratulating President Bola Ahmed Tinubu following the judgement of the Supreme Court of Nigeria that affirmed Tinubu as winner of the February Presidential election.

This comes on the heels of the congratulatory message by the Nigerian body of NADECO and has such, distanced itself from the purported congratulatory message.

NADECO-USA Executives at the Chicago City Hall during its recent World Press Conference

Below is the statement by NADECO-USA.


Prejudice apart and without mincing words, the decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the verdict of the appellate court and confirm the election of Bola Ahmed Tinubu as President, will not affect the resolution of NADECO USA to unravel the complexities and mysteries behind the alleged Certificate forgery.

Consequent upon the World Press Conference that was held inside the historic Chicago City Hall on the 23rd of October, 2023, wherein, we issued a strongly worded statement and in light of the fact that there are pending investigations and legal issues that may evolve from the allegation; the NADECO USA will not congratulate Bola Ahmed Tinubu as President because, the issues have to be properly investigated by different regulatory bodies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). 

Moreover, this is not a trivial matter because it borders on national and global security and therefore, such an issue cannot be treated with kids gloves or swept under the carpet.

We recall that this issue of the alleged forged certificate was spearheaded by a legal luminary, the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi (SAN) of blessed memory, 24 years ago and was stalled by the immunity clause enjoyed by the governors in Nigeria, against prosecution.

Today, it still remains "a smoking gun" in our body politics and it can only be put to final rest by genuine justice, fairness and transparency.

The big question is; if the immunity clause could not put it to rest twenty-four years ago, today, that same immunity will not put it to rest except justice and fairness.

Lastly, it is very important to intimate the general public that, against the back drop of evil activities of soothsayers, propagandists, fifth columnists and the imaginary "FAKE NADECO" group in Nigeria (government sponsored NADECO), NADECO USA is registered and incorporated in United States of America and it is committed to deepening democracy and good governance in Nigeria. 

We also want to reiterate like we have done in some of our previous press releases that, NADECO USA is the offshoot of NADECO that was established by the likes of Pa. Abraham Adesanya, Dan Suleiman, Pa. Alfred Rewane, Ndubuisi Kalu, Ebitu Ukiwe, Edwin Clark, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, Pa. Adekunle Ajasin, Dr. Beko Ransome Kuti and a host of others.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: The General Public Should Disregard And Dispel Any Purported Statement Stating That NADECO Has Congratulated President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

This Is A Lie From The Pit Of Hell!

Thank you.



Signed:                       Signed: 
Dr. Llord Ukwu   Comr. David Adenekan
Executive Director   Publicity Secretary

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